I was supposed to have written this some hours ago but got caught up watching 'Crazy Stupid Love' - what an hysterically funny film and Ryan Gosling wins my 'Phwwwooooaaaarrrr Award' this weekend :)
I spent Saturday buying myself a new flat screen TV - I figured it was time to be a 'grown up' and get in with the times - it is rather nice - I've caught myself admiring it a few times and so then I had to run out and get the right cords so that I can hook my laptop up to it and watch Corr'rs and Eastenders on the big screen - it was like being back at home again this afternoon at my Mom and Dad's - sitting on the couch. However here I was leaning on a hot water bottle with my right shoulder - I have pulled a muscle some how and it really has been quite painful. Oh and then I dropped the corner of the 26 inch box TV on my foot yesterday as I was dragging it to my car for recycling - honest to goodness there are times when I really wish there was a man about the house. I had a big green bruise on my foot and all the veins were popping out which only went to emphasize the swelling - luckily it has been fine today. Shared that story with my Mom earlier and she was dumbfounded that there was no one here to help me with it - oh well - when needs must you just have to get on with it whatever way you can.
I have had a lot of emotional shifts since my massage last week - of course having healing energy work on your body by a shaman is never an easy feat - truly brings up all kinds of stuff . I learnt why that happens when a friend of mine told me that muscles store memories - hence the fact that emotions stir. Matthew said something last week that helped me remember that ironically we forget to be 'in our power' sometimes. I came to that realization just this morning - I was beginning to get increasingly frustrated listening to tales of woe and 'worry' and 'this is wrong' and 'that is wrong' - frustrated truthfully at myself more than at any other person because people are afterall acting as a mirror - so it just meant that that was what was going on inside me - when I get that piece it's hard for me sometimes to get to a space where I can just forgive myself and everyone that has managed to rattle me and move on - 'thoughts create things' - I know this first hand.
My very first experience of this fact was when I was at school - less than 13 or 14 years old - we have a store at home called Argos - and they were probably the only place when we were kids that had a catalogue that you could take home. As a young girl, I would love looking at the jewelry and the other trinkets and beauty items - there was a pair of clear crystal drop ear-rings in there that I used to look at a lot because I really liked them and hence really wanted them. Christmas time I got those exact ear-rings given to me by a friend - those exact ear-rings! And then the same thing happened with a silver box. Law of Attraction!!!! Isn't that why so many people now have vision boards where they have pictures of all the things that they want and then look at it to attract those things into their lives? I am going off on a tangent - but to get back to my point - it just shows how powerful we are as humans - and just how powerful thought is.
And what do we do? We spend our time worrying about the little things and the big things - cos of things that we have heard, or read, or been told, or taught - or whatever! We have, most of us, lost our own guidance system and been pulled into a space of fear - and the big thing for me here with this is that 'what you think about - you bring about' - so spend enough time on that and you will create it in your reality. I watch my Mom go through it - in cycles - she almost always has something that she is 'carrying' around - which frustrates me because she is one of the strongest women I know - and if she just spent that same time focusing on something postive, the results would be the 'proof in the pudding' - we can all do it - the power of prayer or meditation - whatever your meditation is - it could be a walk around the block - a half hour on the treadmill - writing or reading - whatever stills your mind enough to get you to that quite space - in stillness - where you can hear your own heart beat and realize what an incredible miracle you are - we all are. And yet we give that power up every single day when we worry - it's simple - if you don't feel good thinking whatever it is you are thinking - it is simply not good for you to be thinking that thing!!!!! Ta-da!!!!! Oh and don't get me wrong - I can still be a compulsive worrier - I was doing it for the best part of this work week - I got the permanent job and somebody else didn't - so what do I do? Give my power away to appease that certain someone so that he could feel better! WTF!!!!!! I had to reel myself in and be in my power - this is mine!!! I have created this amazing new job and opportunity for myself and deserve it - and going back to my previous blog - realizing that 'something bad is not going to happen!' - that was the big piece for me - HUGE in fact.
So there it is - my gift this week - 'I am in my POWER' :)
Oh and I did head out again on Friday night to celebrate the news of being taken on permanently at work - we went somewhere we had not been in a very very long time - and hey presto - had a really great time - nice food and nice wine and it was 'happy hour' so dirt cheap too - I even had a couple of tequila shots :) Home by 9pm again so nothing too crazy and my friends carried on into the night. And back to work tomorrow - we had an extra day off today for Thanksgiving - it comes earlier here than it does in the U.S.
So there you have it - a tough week or so - and I have felt deeply troubled and had my emotional ups and downs - but there is always something good to focus on - and my lesson - forgiveness is the key thing to letting things go - for me at least - It was still erking me thinking about that Kelowna trip - but honestly, we all do the best that we can in any given moment - and if we had known better we would have done better.
Oh and before I sign off - I am told that there is going to be an awesome Christmas Party at work - and it's a 'black tie do' which I am thrilled about as there are never enough occasions to get dressed up for in Vancouver - and the talent in the office - and in the building just seems to be getting better and better!!!! So I am now working on attracting a super hot date for Crimbo :) And I got checked out by a couple of hotties at the grocery store - so must be doing something right! :)
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