Friday, 1 July 2011

The beginning of a new chapter

So here we are, July 1st - a new month and a new moon - there promises to be a lot of change in store and good change at that.

It was Tuesday night that I came home and literally bawled my eyes out to my friend who called me while I was sudsy soap deep, washing dishes - thinking about how my life had turned to sh&t in just 48 hours. We had had 'after work' drinks so I had indulged in a glass of white wine - a very large glass of white wine. Walking in the door it hit me that in order to get up at 5am in the morning to get ready for work again, I would have to be in bed in just one hour. My life had literally been taken over and was now consumed with thoughts about work - and just about work!! I had gone from it being all about me and my life to it being all about work - from the going to sleep at 9pm; to the mad dash to get out of the door in the morning; to the walk to work and will I get there on time; to the sitting at my desk at work and doing my absolute best to do and say the right thing.

I think I shocked my friend with my tears but she was so sweet to me and really encouraged me - a very timely call. Something my Brother had said to me at the weekend triggered the tears too in addition to the conversation at the drink session with my new colleague - he had been in Australia at the exact time I was and guess what - his favourite place there, and the place that he spent the most time was Byron Bay - it was like a sick joke. I know that on some level I am attracting this - one friend calls it an 'obsession' - whatever it is, my hang up over this time in my life has to pass right? I have to get over the Slovenian - wish there was a pill I could take :)

Anyways - I woke on the next day feeling a little better - more refreshed and the day was a lot less 'consumed'. I just have to honour my reluctance to change and my fondness of routine. I headed straight to my new desk on Monday and immediately began to make the space my own until I was shocked within minutes by news that the whole of the office is undergoing reno's so we are working from an office out of the Downtown core and will be jammed like sardines in a small space until the end of August - I was not happy at all!!! :( It was a complete shock to me and I don't think anyone is thrilled at the prospect of that commute - and all over summer too when all anyone wants to do is be by the beach and close to the patios at the bars.

But I have to say that my Fairy Cards have been showing up with the 'New Location' card for weeks now and that means a change of work location too - so it will lead to good things. You just never know :) Oddly and fortunately one of my colleagues shares the same apartment building as me, so at least we both have some company commuting there and back.

A client call that I made two days ago had a very sad ending to it - I had assisted this particular client with his hiring needs since 2005 and had not called him for almost 18 months now - sadly he passed away last summer. Without self-indulging, it truly made me realize how precious life really is - akin to my watching '127 Hours' - we never know what is around the corner - so I for one was reminded to make the best of it - to limit the regrets.

So in a nutshell - I am happy in my new role at work - the team there on the whole have welcomed me with open arms and I have fit right in. I am sure that if my boss could have rolled the red carpet out for me, he would have done - which was very overwhelming for me as it was such a new concept for me - to be treated with such respect and courtesy. There has been one small kink in the chain so far and I can talk about that in my next post as I am pretty tired now.

Goodnight :)

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