"The bigger the struggle - the greater the triumph".
I knew it as clear as crystal this morning that something has shifted for me. I woke up naturally at 6am as bright as a button with the sun beaming in through my window and the birds tweeting outside.
Last week in my haze, I had a sense that I should go and have a sound healing session with Matthew Kocel - I think I have attached his link to the front page so you can sample some of his work. At $100 for 90 minutes, I was going back and forth in my head trying to justify the payment. And then like a sign from heaven, a girl that has actually done some Reiki work on me before called me asking if I knew anyone that could do some work on her. Well that was it - I booked the session and went along there yesterday.
I struggled with the early morning get up as I have a 'snooze' button addiction some mornings, but I got there on time. I had to go into East Vancouver, certainly not miles from where I live, but the minute you are somewhere new and out of the ordinary, it feels like a different city to me. There are so many little pockets of diversity here in Vancouver, not unlike home. So I parked up and walked to the back of the house at 640 and was met with a door that was about three quarters the size of a regular door - It was like being in hobbit territory in Lord of the Rings. Inside, it was the most beautiful space and red hot with the fire burning in the corner.
I don't know if you have ever been to a 'healer' but the minute I get the permission to talk, I am on one - verbal diarrhea :) So I just let rip for about 10 minutes with all my 'out there' tales that I knew would fall on understanding ears. In the 90 minutes that I was there, he did some work to re-align my meridians, my body - best way to describe it is to raise your hands above your head and put them in prayer position - if the wrist markings on both wrists do not align, then you are out of alignment which then puts a strain on your muscles. Of course his intuition had a huge role in the session - and then he released the tension in my neck muscles - by pinching them so hard that they have to release. I kid you not, I am in so much pain today with little twinges here and little aches there. One more day of this and it'll be right. Then at the end of the session Matthew tones with his shell and of course cos you are so chilled at that stage, the sound vibrates through the whole of your body - it's the most amazing feeling - a drug like state without all the chemicals. It is in moments like this when I feel so close to the Big Man upstairs that my heart feels like it could explode with pick confetti :) And there are happy tears.
So glad I went :) I also had an email from another friend a few weeks ago - this 'thing' has been going on for years and was started by a medicine woman who connects with the Archangels - the Archangels are welcomed into your home on a certain day with a white flower, a candle and an apple, and sent to people in groups of three - it may sound hokey to some, but I have had a candle lit in their honour since the weekend and my wishes neatly tucked in an envelope next to a Peace Lilly on my table - if nothing else, it creates such a peaceful ambience in my home.
And guess what? There is movement on the job front - and more than that, we are forecasted to have 21 degree heat on Friday. OMG there is no place on earth like Vancouver in the sun - I know I have said that before. So we are all sharing a sense of optimism :) I was further reminded of my blessings today when I watched this link that a friend had sent me. Don't watch it if you are one of the faint hearted - essentially it is about 'human trafficking' - a topic that really does appall me. But we can all send light and love and prayers right????
Okay - bedtime for me ;)
Okay - bedtime for me ;)
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