Monday, 28 March 2011


Okay so first, to another weekend in Vancouver - I met with friends on Friday night - It had been two and a half weeks since I had been out for a drink and I was chomping at the bit for a particular tuna dish that they have Downtown. It was an array of friends, someone from Russia, Poland, Colombia and of course me. Our table was directly underneath the speaker - which was clearly at maximum volume making it very hard to hear conversation.

It wasn't the easiest night to be fair - the night life culture here is a little strange and it's hardly easy to meet new people - and I have heard that said by many people. Things improved somewhat yesterday when I went to a barbecue and we sat and watched 'Hereafter' - I had no clue what this movie was about and was very impressed by it. I highly recommend you see it if you get the chance.

I've just spent the last two hours in between laundry watching 'The White Ribbon' - again no idea what it was about and a little disturbing to be fair - I didn't come to any conclusion at the end except to surmise how odd human behavior is sometimes.

Which takes me now back to the Slovenian.

Of course he made it onto the bus - I was very happy about that - the only odd thing was that my friend was incapable of giving us any space to breathe - or should I say 'me any space to breathe'. I wish I could give you some anecdote of how wondrous our first kiss was - how he had swept me off my feet and left me breathless - it was really nothing like that. He was a hapless 27 year old and like most guys at that age, I don't really think he knew anything other than his basic instinct - very charming though - with his travel tales and ability to speak many languages - and a smile that literally used to make me go weak at the knees - FOR REAL!!!! :) I won't go into details of intimacy - truthfully because I can't remember - but I can say that the most intimate moments with him were when we were fully clothed :) I will not share as they are sacred moments.

The ride to Sydney took place overnight - it was a good 10 hour ride and I was happy to be back there - we ended up at a local McDonalds for breakfast and by this point I think his patience with my friend was wearing thin - he clearly observed my need for healthy boundaries earlier than I ever did. We then ended up staying at a hostel that I had not been to before and the newness of it felt rather uncomfortable - the previous one was a lot cleaner and brighter but we sucked it up and stayed for one night.

He was amazed that I had not already seen Sydney Harbour - my friend had - but those first few days in Sydney, I had been otherwise engaged and hadn't ventured there yet. We hung out in Hyde Park - baking the sun - doing the things that 'young' couples do - laughing, joking, holding hands, snogging - and she still wouldn't go away and give us time together - in fact she had taken to holding my hand when we walked anywhere - whilst he held the other - OMG - where was my head at - I hadn't said a word.

We were in our honeymoon phase - walking with him and seeing Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House is definitely up there in my Top Ten Best Moments - he had a smile that made me go giddy :) We were sickly - sharing strawberries, pizza, sipping on each others drinks and just consumed in that feeling of love. We managed to shake my friend off - she went to Bondi for 5 days - it was lovely to get her out of my hair - our hair - not gonna lie. So we took a trip to Manly and Bondi too and I kid you not, people just used to stop and stare at the both of us - comment - and say how awesome we looked with each other - it was so cute.

But you know what it's like - those first days are awesome - and then all your 'stuff' rears it's ugly head and as much as I had come to adore him, I also felt that he was suffocating me - it's hard for me to be with any one person 24/7 - regardless of how hot or interesting they may be :) I've always been one of these people that values my own space - needs to balance and anchor - in addition to that ten years ago I was particularly paranoid, insecure and had no real idea of who I was.

So slowly but surely I became unhinged - it was completely out of my control - layers and layers were just peeling away. The night of his birthday he had had to go to the internet cafe to pick up his emails - something that I was never very fond of doing - he hadn't seen me and it was not something I had planned to do but when I walked up to see how much longer he would be, I saw a huge kick ass heart on the computer screen with some message about how much he was 'missed and can't wait to see you again'.

I was devastated - and said NOTHING!!!!! Not a dickie bird - and of course that threw me into a spin - I was not out of control and my powers of discernment and gut had left me. 

We had sat and watched 'Bridget Jones' Diary' which threw up more doubt and then he dropped on me that he had to leave and was going back up the coast - Okay - so I understand that he had his trip to fulfil but it was the last thing that I wanted to hear. I remember how one time he had told me that he was going for a swim, I had thought that this would be an awesome time to do my laundry - when I went down to the laundry room, there he was sitting in the corner on the payphone. He saw me - I saw him and walked passed him as if he were the invisible man.

I again said nothing - because I was so afraid of what he might say.

Oddly enough we sat and watched TV at the hostel downstairs - used to drive me insane actually down there - like I was trapped in a cage and bursting to get outside - I used to run up the stairs at times and neck a gin and tonic and run back down :) Madness!!!!! We were watching a Madonna concert - I'll never forget the song that she sung - the words were deafeningly poignant - the impending doom was palpable.

Listening to it again - gives me chills.

My friend had done her bit too to add to the confusion - she had spoken to him one time - just one time - and 'jokingly' said that I was 'easy' - like really? - women are so cruel to each other - He looked at me with a doubt I had not seen before in the 5 minutes that it took me to get back from the washroom. Writing, I am still not convinced that her actions were from a 'good' place - if only I could rewind back to that point in my life.  

She left Sydney in fact Australia the next day - with her seeds planted - He had asked me that same night how I could be friends with someone like that - never mind the content of what she had said - her intention was clear.

I think it was the next day or the day after that he left - I had left him at the train station - he had left me with a map of all the places I had to visit while he was away - he was due back in little over a month and then we would go from there - this is where it began - I broke down - every little part of me - playing over and over what had happened in the last week and me, alone back at the hostel in Sydney.

Okay - that's about as far as I can go with this today - Coronation Street is on :)

Thursday, 24 March 2011

The bus

Right then - okay - to what happened next - I have played it over and over in my mind for the last few days - so much so that I have been having to deal with the lid coming off all those pent up emotions - it sucks!!!! :) Oh and we've also had two days of glorious sunshine so I just had to get myself out and about - hung out with my friend yesterday as we baked on the deck and the I went window shopping today.

Okay so where were we? Oh yes - Byron Bay and the Slovenian.

So that night we, my friend and I went to check out the town - I did of course have the secret intention of seeing the guy again and had put on my lippie.

Having had dinner and a couple of drinks, heading home, I saw a guy coming in the other way - hot - with a blonde - so instantly putting the two of them together I figured there was no point in getting on his radar. Only as I walked closer and closer, I was like "OMG - it's the same guy - the guy from the beach - he just looks different now cos he actually has clothes on" :) He looked at me - I looked at him - He looked at me and then I looked at him AGAIN.

We passed each other and then I spun around and smiled - he did too - awwwww - it was such a cute moment - never to be forgotten - OMG - I am such a sap!!!!!

And that was it, I went buzzing all the way back to the hostel :)

Okay so next morning, I just knew like I knew like I knew that I was gonna see him again - I even put on a little mascara - of course I was make-up free with my topped up tan - but yes, I did put on mascara. It was another awesome day in Byron - smoking hot and I remember walking past a bar - it was owned by the guy that was in all those Crocodile Dundee movies.

So off we toddled toward the ramp to get to the beach - there was this eccentric, long bearded old guy at the foot of the ramp that had laid out a tonne of flowers on the pathway - he did it every day and I  remember chit chatting to him. Then I had the wierdest feeling - like someone was watching me and I put my hand to the back of my head and turned around - and would you 'Adam and Eve' it - it was him - the hot guy - guy from the beach - guy from last night. My head was in a spin and my tummy was in a flip - in fact tonnes of flips - over and over and I knew that some how and in some way I had to put one foot in front of the other - although God only knew how I was going to do that. He was just feet away and I am so painfully shy around guys like that I just had the impulse to leg it!!!!! :) But there was nowhere to run to.

Already there was a sea of people on the beach and finding an expanse of sand was not easy - my friend and I walked for a good 15 minutes before we found a spot.

Oh my gosh - back up - back up - today was the day that I was heading back to Sydney - it's all coming back to me now - okay - just so we got that straight.

So anyways - back to the beach - we must have been sat there for at least two hours and I kid you not I had seen him AGAIN - he had walked along the water twice now - and I had not recognized him as the same guy and my friend had had to tell me yet AGAIN - crazy!!!

Way on into the afternoon - there he was!! Gob smackingly gorgeous in his shades and walking toward us - I was giddy - "Where is he going?" - the spot we were sitting in was so darned quaint and by some steps up from the beach - there was no-one else around cos I had just done a 180 and turned around to look - then it dawned on me - he was smiling and headed in my direction - he was walking towards me.

And that was it - he simply came and sat down next to me - and smiled right at me - am I sad when I say that that is still one of the 'Top 10 Best Moments of my Life'?

But honestly - it really was. My friend was sweet and gave us some space - she went for a walk - and by the time she got back, we had of course exchanged names and where we came from - where we had been and where we were going - he had just come from Sydney - northbound and I was of course southbound. We decided to go for a gin and tonic and the 'Crocodile Dundee' bar - which we did - followed by sushi - it was there and then that I told him that I was going to Sydney that same night.

It was there over sushi that he asked me what I wanted - no-one had ever asked me that before - I had no idea how to verbalize what my heart was screaming - "Come back to Sydney with me" - he asked me if I wanted him to come and I could not say "Yes" - the fear of being rejected, him saying 'no' and the dis-belief that this was even happening to me had all compounded in one conversation. He agreed to join me if he could get a ticket - so from there we went to the travel agent to be told that the tickets for that bus were sold out - the only way for him to get on that bus was to wait with us and see if the driver had space for him to get on and join me.

Later that evening, the three of us packed - and both of us had akready puzzled in the knowledge that we were staying at the same hostel and had not bumped into one another there at some point already. We ate at a local restaurant and with backpacks in tow, waited for the Greyhound bus. Standing on the street, with him next to me, unknown to anyone but me, I prayed again - this time that he get on the bus and with my fingers crossed behind my back we waited and waited as the passengers boarded....................

Monday, 21 March 2011

The Slovenian

Almost a decade ago, my good friend and I decided to back-pack down the east coast of Australia. I had never 'roughed' it in my life and it was pure comedy to see me turn up at Heathrow Airport with my back-pack in tow - it really should have been a pink suitcase on wheels :) My friend almost died when she looked down at my ankle socks and trainers - I was so not cool and she had all the labels going on :)

The trip was a gruelling one in that she is a very structured person - likes to adhere to a timetable and I myself do not. By the time we got to Brisbane, I was truly over it and couldn't take another minute of her banging on at me about what time we had to wake up, sleep, eat, drink,. watch tv etc etc. In my obstinance and desire not to be controlled, I booked the Greyhound ticket to get to Sydney with the sole intention of finding work and staying in Aus. And I DID NOT want her to come with me. It was a very brave step for me - and of course she booked her ticket TOO.

Next stop was Byron Bay - so we got on the bus and made our way down there.

It was the usual routine of checking-in at reception and legging it to the room and hoping all that way that the room was clean and that the bed sheets had been washed.

The room was all of those things and more - the only thing that freaked me out a little was how close to the ceiling the top bunk was. I can't recall every moment that led to us getting to the seaside - there was a ramp that you walked down to get to the beach - a beautiful beach - and a very holistic place - there was no 20 storey buildings in site - no McDonalds and no Burger King.

I think the evening before we had ventured and realized that there was a lighthouse off in the distance - it looked to be not too far away and although my friend was not as keen as I to go see it, I simply nagged and pleaded until she agreed to come with me.

So we started the trek - on foot of course and a little concerned that the sun was going to set shortly and that we would need to return before it got dark. Back in those days I was a skinny malinky :) Dressed in my gun metal silver skirt ( which matched my bikini ) and cutesy little blue top that I had bought from a shop that day. Walking walking walking, I was just so intent on getting my own way and 'winning' this small battle with my friend that I was charging,  feet on sand.

It was one of those 'Mills and Boon' moments - sun setting to my left and the sound of the waves, my best friend to my right and me fulfilling my desire to get to see the lighthouse - so much so that I didn't see him coming the other way :)

He was like one of those guys that you see in the soaps as you're growing up - the one you imagine that you will marry one day - your very own Prince Charming who lives this charmed life in some exotic location - he was wearing blue just as I had pictured as a little girl and he had a body to die for :) I kid you not girls, Gabriel Aubry was not a patch on him.

I had my shades on - so I was able to check him out without him knowing :) As he got closer I simply could not contain the butterflies in my stomach and I rib digged my friend in a 'OM f'ing Gosh' kinda way :) He was looking ahead too - but really I know that he was checking me out as well :)

My legs nearly buckled and in my head I painted a picture of him being this hot shot American who was here with his family, kids in tow - having just stepped of his yacht to check out the beach and someone loaded to the max - not that money made any difference - it was just my picture.

Having passed him - I rib digged my friend again and stood at the foot of the other ramp, turned around and went 'Oh my God - Oh my God - did you see him!!!!!!!!!!'. He was then and still is to this day the most beautiful man I have ever seen in the flesh - I'm not talking Cosmo mag or Bradley Cooper in The Hangover - but in the flesh - real flesh.

YUMMY!!!!!!! :)

I remember that the walk to the lighthouse was considerably longer that I thought it would be - lots and lots of steps - and I also remember how each picture that my friend took of the sunset and the lighthouse together was as bright as bright could be - as if they had been taken first thing in the morning.

When I got back to the hostel, I was hand washing some clothes in the sink - I prayed like I have never prayed before in my life - 'Please God, let me see him again, please please please let me see him again'.

Light and Love

So I had to kick Seattle guy to the kerb - the 2am phone call was not okay with me - after only 8 days of 'knowing' him it seemed somewhat inappropriate. And it saved me a trip over the border - can't say I'm too sorry about that :)

A lot has happened in the last few days - huge shifts - I went to a sound session on Friday night and met with a lady who does a blend of her own healing and Reiki healing - she is extremely powerful in that I could feel her energy when she was standing a few feet away from me.

The 'knowing' that I had to have a one on one session with this woman tugged at me all day Saturday and I was fortunate enough to go and meet with her yesterday. I truly believe that these 'healings' come to you when you are ready for them. She suggested to me that in order to stay 'present', I write - something creative that gets me into the moment - with all the worry over work and the lack thereof I had been feeling drained and useless. The most important thing to me about my time spent with her is that she empowers you - actually shows you that you can tap into this amazing healing energy for yourself and there is no need for top-ups and it's not a money making scam - her energy is pure and of Love.

I came home and I was completely buzzed - I walked in through my door and looked in awe at my beautiful home - the colours - the plants - the energy - this sacred and nurturing space that I have created for myself that takes such good care of me. Running my hands along photos of my family and friends and myself as a baby, I felt my heart was wide open to possibility and full of compassion. As she had said - recognizing the blessings - the everyday blessings.

As I rested in bed I realized and truly felt that oneness - all those things that I have strived to become, I realized I already am - or have already been - a Wife - a Mother - the two labels that had eluded me - I realized that in past lives I have been those things. I have been a man and a woman, of each culture imaginable,  from all walks of life, both rich and poor; and in that knowledge, in that 'oneness' there was nothing I had to fear - as I was already each of those things - I had merely chosen to wear this beautiful face, body and expression this time around to remember whatever it was that I am here to remember.

In that moment all the fear dissolved. I don't know where we go to 'after' this ride - I do know though that wherever I am right now is exactly where my soul wants me to be.

I then traced back the blessings in my life to date - OMG - it is so easy to feel sorry for yourself and get trapped in the 'I don't haves' - now with an open heart I realized that I have had the most amazing and colourful life to date - that I have loved, and been the most important roles so far as a Grand-Daughter, Daughter, Sister, Niece, and Friend - and most recently an Auntie.

It took me back to Australia to one place - there I met one love - the 'One' that catalyzed this transformation and whose face I wish to see just one more time - Oh how awful it is to 'want' :) He is my Slovenian - and I will share the tale of how we met in my next posting - otherwise this one will go on too long :)

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Eat Pray Love

Happy Days are here at last! :) Eat Pray Love has made its' way at long last onto Movie Central - which means that I will be watching it over and over again for the next few days - there are a number of reasons why the movie resonates with me - I, unlike some of my friends like the role that Julia Roberts plays and perhaps it's because I feel like I have grown up watching her that it is so easy to see her in something this poignant.

"Believe in love again" - for me those are the four words that mean the most and tug at my heart strings.

In conjures up so many memories - some of them good - some of them not so good.

While chatting to my dearest and oldest friend a few days ago, she was able to steer me in a direction that will lead me to look at the pinnacle moments in my life as I write. I will do my best to create some sort of order so that I am not flip flopping back and forth and confusing you.

I have been forced to take a look at them again over the last few days - the pinnacle moments I mean -  as I did all that I could to run from and sabotage the newness with the Seattle Guy - things happen for a reason - and this movie is screaming at me to 'Believe in love again'.

Talking to him day after day and the fear of 'the meet' - hour upon hour on the phone with questions and biting into my regular routine of evening time TV had me in an actual full blown panic attack two nights ago - it was horrid - I literally could not breathe - I too, like Liz in EPL had lost my balance - I was wobbling and felt like I was trapped. He was calling me way too often and his compliments were making my body recoil. He was simply laying himself down on the floor for me - for me to walk all over him.

I have been in that place and having spent the last 10 years of my life soul searching and healing the wounds, I realized that I don't want to be with a 'fixer upper' - Is that mean? I don't know - All I know is is that it takes a concerted effort to turn around and look at the many facets of yourself and heal those that need healing.

So in the movie - and sorry to keep going back to that - she picks a word - her word - it is not what she does - but that which describes her - "Attraversiamo" meaning "Let's cross over". After giving it some thought - I found my word - my word is 'trust' and over time I will explain why - namely why I have had such a hard time in my life discerning that which is my gut and that which is my heart and which is talking to me when.

When you lose the ability to trust your own feelings at a very young age - navigating life is a very difficult task.

So perhaps with that I will sign off for this evening and find my starting point for the next time I write.

Oh and I should add that Snatam's concert was amazing - she has such an amazing presence - she is indeed pure - it was not what I had expected and to see the audience chanting and dancing did make me giggle on the inside - but hey - they were having the most awesome time :)

Monday, 14 March 2011

Why doesn't tomorrow mean tomorrow?

Okay - so girls  (and guys ) - what is with guys these days??????

When they say "I'll call you tomorrow" why does it actually mean that it will be the day after - or the day after that - or the day after 'never gonna call you ever again'?

Now I'm not saying that this 'new' guy doesn't call - it's just that when he says tomorrow, I can count on the fact that it will at least 24 hours later than the anticipated time :)

So  - I've met this guy on-line - we've been chatting for a week now and there are a couple of kickers to the story: a) he lives in the U.S b) he's a little younger than me c) he can't get into Canada for reasons I will not disclose at this stage.

So that means that a) every time I want to see this dude, I'm gonna have to deal with the 'border' crossing b) there ain't gonna be no quick meet and greet over coffee and in the likelihood that there is no chemistry, no quick jaunt up the street and back home again - No - I'm gonna have to get back through the border, and drive the 90 km to get back home again c) as I'm still unemployed, it's gonna cost me $30 in gas every time we want to meet up.

You gotta love it huh!!!!!???? :)

So I've managed to get passed the age difference cos he can actually hold a conversation - he can 'spar' with me and so far I have not been able to walk all over him - that being the usual tell tale sign for me to move on - or at least it has been so far with this dating site.

And another thing - why do the 3 pictures of him on the site look so different - I would never place them as being the same guy????

I kid you not - it's a minefield out there and all in the name of LOVE!!!!

Meh - you gotta be in it to win it?

So - taking into account he's been married before, shaves his head cos his hair is thinning - now what is it with that???? - why am I unable to find a guy with a full head of here, I HAVE ONE!!!!, and petrified at the thought of having kids, I am still toying with the idea of a trip to Bellingham this weekend. Heaven help me!!!!

Okay - I have to call him now cos The Bachelor is on in 45 minutes and I want this call down before I settle in for the next 3 hours - Brad Womack is making his choice this evening - so it's every girl's dream of posh frocks and a proposal.

Catchya later.................................................. :)

p.s Pring Pring - Pring Pring - Pring Pring - call went to voicemail - I think he may have the hump cos I said that I'd call after 'Two and a Half Men' and before 'The Bachelor' - I was joking!!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrr.........................

Friday, 11 March 2011

My week................

Okay - so it's been a week and still no news on the job front - I am literally starting to rock - back and forth - back and forth - the rain has been incessant for the last few days with little or no sunshine and it's been a challenging week to say the least.

Tuesday started out awesome - I met with a friend for lunch and went to my favourite place Downtown - they serve the most delicious fish - on the walk there and back I was listening blissfully to classical music on my mp3. I gotta say that certain tracks on that album give me goose bumps - I had that 'glad to be alive' feeling and couldn't wait to get home and switch on Movie Central and watch something and while away a couple of hours.

But oh no!!!!!!!!!!

I perilously switched on my computer and got 'pop-up' after 'pop-up' telling that my computer had umpteen viruses - And I had completely ignored the messages I had been receiving telling me that my anti-virus cover was done!!

Okay so this all started at 3pm – by 8pm and 4 hours of phone calls to my internet provider, I was no closer to finding out what was up with my laptop. I was beside myself – especially when the help-desk guy told me that I was looking at a $189 for a computer technician to take a look at it for me.

That was it – the meltdown began – tissue in hand, I bawled my eyes out – the tears felt the size of golf balls and my oh my was I feeling sorry for myself. No job, no guy and no computer!!!! J

I literally sat here and text everyone I knew to find out if they knew of someone who could help me and then a guy that I worked with some 6 years ago called me and agreed to take a look at it for me. Next day I had to drive all the way to Port Moody to drop it off with him and get it fixed.

Over lunch, he told me what was up with my computer – a big fat nothing!! – there wasn’t a single virus on my computer and all he had to do was remove the program that I had inadvertently downloaded – the same program that I had mentioned on the 4 hour phone call to my internet provider at least 6 times L

Oh well – if nothing else came out of it – I got to get out of my little cocoon and met up with an old friend.

So I have a very holistic week coming up which I am super excited about – I am going to a sound healing session tomorrow and then I am going to the see Snatam Kaur in concert next week – I am unable to contain my excitement over that as I have loved listening to her music for the last few months and find her meditations to be truly profound – for me at least.

Life is not too shabby! And the clocks go forward to just 2 days time - Spring is here!!!! J

Sunday, 6 March 2011


Hmmmmmm Friday night – it was not quite what I had expected.

I wonder sometimes if that taxi driver in Sydney was right when he said that I expect too much.

I had only been in the bar minutes when the ‘server’ managed to empty the contents of a 9 ounce glass of wine ON my clothes – and I mean ALL OVER my clothes – I can only be thankful here that it was white and not red wine – I was then bombarded with napkins – one after another in an attempt to wipe up the wine from my clothing – like really? Isn’t it a little too late for that now? J

What was supposed to be a ‘girl’s night’ was not that at all - But I mustn't complain - I was having fun. I had been freed from my safe and perfect sanctuary at home and thrown into a buzz of guys and girls, food and flat screen TV’s, pushing and shoving, guys checking me out, guys not checking me out – leaving the confines of my home and drinking is clearly something I can only partake in once a week – I gotta tell you – my nerves were shot to sh*t J I had to take a washroom break for what I thought would be a peaceful exercise in 'breathing it out' – but again the universe had another plan for me – the music proceeded to boom out of the cubicle too – there was simply no place to hide J

I was then met by the restaurant manager who proceeded to tell me that it was in fact someone on my table that had picked his beer from the 'server's' tray that had caused the tray to tip and lead to the wine spillage - YEAH RIGHT!!!!!! Like OWN IT!!!!! In all fairness she did agree to pay for the dry cleaning of my clothing.

We left not longer after - back to a friends' house - which led then to video after video on youtube - not the night I had anticipated - so by the time I got home - I was buzzed from all that audio and visual stimulation and unable to sleep - even the melatonin didn't do the trick.

I am amazed at how quickly the weekend has passed - it seems that I have done next to nothing except watch my fair share of chick tv on 'slice' - but I gotta tell ya - watching 'Bethenny getting married' gives me hope and looking at the rock on her left hand has led me down a dangerous path checking out engagement rings!!!!!! YES!!!!! Engagement rings. Never mind the fact that Prince Charming has forgotten my address.

This is by far my most favourite site so far J

Okay – I am going to love and leave you here as I am torn between watching ‘Vicky Cristina Barcelona’ and 'Changeling' – night has befallen us again and I need to do my yoga practice too.

Friday, 4 March 2011

Happy Friday

At last it's Friday and the girls and I are going out to check out the talent here in Vancouver :)

Always a little hit and miss but will be nice to be in the company of friends.

I sat and watched the 'Stoning of Soraya M' earlier this afternoon - a movie that I highly recommend - it will stir your emotions for sure.

I will leave you now with a passage I wrote down off a Starbucks cup some years ago - Happy Friday guys! :)

"Our lives are inspired by the dreams we have from the earliest stages of our youth. when you combine passion and hard work, success is always possible. While no road is ever straight, dedication and persistence will always lead you to your dreams".

Wednesday, 2 March 2011


So I'm guessing that some of you may have heard of the 'Celestine Prophecy' and even been lucky enough to read it - my copy fell on my lap when I was backpacking in Australia - I don't think that I could have had a more appropriate companion.

My copy is now with a guy called Dominic - who I spoke with one day while working at my desk in Sydney, 2001 - I decided to call an agency looking for temporary work assignments - Dominic picked up the phone - I was of course a little spooked, I recognized the voice but knew he was in Watford, UK. Oh no he wasn't - he was now in Sydney too :)

The key thing that I took from that book was the wonder of 'synchronicities'. And of course when you are open to them, so many more happen. I have been looking at the Angel Therapy Practitioner course in Hawaii, scheduled for June this year with Doreen Virtue. My role now is in manifesting what I need to assure myself a place on that trip.

Almost every evening, I am drawn to look at the clock at a particular time - that being 8:08pm - and so in my curiosity, I decided to look up the meaning of that number.

Okay - so not only did I look at Doreen's site - but I came across a blog - now listen to this - 'synchronicities' - the blog was written by a gentleman that I had met on a ferry crossing from Bowen Island to Vancouver in May 2010 - how funny is that!?! :)

AND - he was talking about the significance that 8:08 has had in his life - you'll never guess.......................duh duh duh.............808 is the dialling code for HAWAII!!!! :)

And the place where he buried a ring in the sand for his 'now wife'......she found it of course.

What an awesome tale of synchronicities.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


So there I was - standing there - cooking - having just mushed my black eyed peas - wondering what am I gonna do? I was going to make a salad like the one I'd had on the flight back from Goa. Anything to save some money - unemployed - a recruiter, unemployed - the irony! The voices came to me - flooding in my head, "write a blog, write a blog, write a blog" !!! So here I am writing a blog. I've seen it...........'Bridget Jones' Diary' and 'Julie and Julia' and been told I could have my own reality show. So perhaps this will help me with the roller coaster of good and bad days on the search for employment and keep me from the endless drivel on tv - daytime tv - the mind numbing boredom as I sit here looking at the rainy street here in Vancouver :)  

I'm now becoming a dab hand at cooking - my mushy black eyed peas became a soup - not unlike anything that I have bought from Capers in the past - but a darn site cheaper - and I am Quinoa Queen :)

So my first blog - I've done it !!!!! Oh gosh I hope I don't come to regret this.

Okay - so back to the party in the kitchen - I may not have 500+ recipes to plough through as did Julie - and no romance to speak of - neither did Bridget - but I am on that too and will share with you readers as I get my responses to my dating 'profile'.

Bye for now